So little to say... but go read these posts!
I am totally out of writing mojo, even about Kimkins these days. The latest on the Kimkins lawsuit is that the 3rd deposition of Heidi Diaz has been completed and went well, and the 3rd amended compliant has been filed. If you have never read the complaint, you should. Lots of evidence presented in a manner that is very clear.
Here are some blog posts that caught my eye recently. They all write better than I do anyway. Enjoy!
Past, Present and Future
What Makes Kimkins dangerous?
Notable Quotable
Kimmer's 1yr Progress
Weighing in on the Alabama Obesity Debate
In Which I Apologize and Refuse to Apologize
Kimmer's Diabetic Diet
Can MSG Cause Obesity?
Are Low Carb Diets Healthy? The Debate From Opposing Views
BDD: Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Which nutrients might help prevent the most common cause of blindness in the elderly?
Anorexia: Media Borne Illness